Thread Thoughts

The Nut Graf knits, sews and attempts other crafts

Another fiber craft! October 15, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — chengat @ 12:02 am

It’s weaving, y’all!

Knitter's Loom

Knitter's Loom

This is the 20-inch Ashford Knitter’s Loom meant to make quick projects using knitting yarns. This is actually my 3rd scarf you see warped here. And this is the first scarf (with the baby giving final inspection):
I took a class on this at the Bonita Knit & Sew, which I highly recommend. I found the instructions on warping confusing so it helps to have someone personally show you how to do it. Plus, with the class, you walk out of there after an afternoon with a finished scarf. Now, I hope to use up some stash yarn to make some quick holiday projects. IMG_0403